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Political Culture
- American Creed: liberty, equality, individualism, self-government
- Nature of politics as a conflict over scarce resources and values
Rights and Responsibilities
- Equal Protection (14th Amendment): Anti-discrimination by government
- Brown v. Board of Ed.
- Occupational licensing
- Marriage equality
- 1964 Civil Rights Act: anti-discrimination in public accommodations
- Affirmative Action: anti-discrimination in employment/admissions
- Freedom of Expression
- Fair Trial
- Federal Power in the Constitution
- Necessary & Proper Clause
- Commerce Clause
- Taxing and Spending Clause
- States' Powers: 10th Amendment
Limited Government
- Denials of Power
- Enumerated Powers
- Bill of Rights
- Separation of Powers
Parties and Political Movements
- Conservatism vs. Progressivism
- Centrism vs. Polarization
- Civil/Voting Rights Movements
- Protest Movements
Democracy & Elections
- Campaign Fundraising & Spending (advertising)
- Gerrymandering
- Voter Turnout vs. Suppression
- Electoral College vs. Popular Vote
- Party nominating rules: Primary or Caucus
- Legislation vs Gridlock (filibuster)
- Incumbency & re-election
- Constituency
- Bicameral: House & Senate
- Domestic Policy: legislative agenda & executive action
- Regulatory Policy: monopoly/competition, inequity (defective/unsafe), moral hazard (subprime mortgages), negative externalities (pollution).
- Social Policy: Religion & politics
- Welfare & Income:
- Public assistance: TANF, Medicaid, etc.
- Entitlements: Social Security, Medicare
- Income: Minimum wage, collective bargaining
- Fiscal & Monetary
- Govt. spending vs. Tax cuts
- Federal Reserve
- Federal vs State
- Appellate vs. Trial
- Judicial Review
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509-542-4887 2600 N 20th Ave, Pasco, WA. 99301