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MLA Citation Guide (MLA 9th Edition): Newspaper Articles

A guide to citing sources in MLA style.


Newspaper articles from library databases
Works Cited List Citation

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper [City of Publication if not stated in newspaper title], Day Month Year of Publication, pp. Page Numbers if given. Database Name.

Note: If you are citing an opinion or editorial piece, add the following at the end of your citation: Op-ed.

Note: If the article pages are not in consecutive order, list the first page number of the article followed by a plus (+) sign.


One Author

Lee, Justina. “Crypto Pros are Getting Tired of $79-Billion Dogecoin Joke; Unlike Bitcoin, Supply Isn't Finite.” National Post [Toronto], 8 May 2021, p. FP16. Canadian Major Dailies.

Two Authors

Tait, Carrie, and James Keller. "Spiraling Cases Push Hospitals to the Limit." The Globe and Mail [Toronto], 8 May 2021, p. A6. ABI/INFORM.

Three or more authors

Thebault, Reis, et al. "Sorrow and Stamina, Defiance and Despair: A Year of the Pandemic in America." Washington Post, 11 Mar. 2021. Gale OneFile News.

In-Text Citation

(Last Name Page Number)

Note: If the article is only a single page or do not have page numbers, exclude the page number in the in-text citation.



(Tait and Keller)

(Thebault et al.)

Newspaper articles from websites
Works Cited List Citation

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper [City of Publication if not stated in newspaper title], Day Month Year of Publication, URL.

Note: If you are citing an opinion or editorial piece, add the following at the end of your citation: Op-ed.


One Author

Deschamps, Tara. "Companies Offer Vaccinated Customers Freebies and Discounts in Marketing Push." Toronto Star, 9 May 2021,

Two Authors

Hayley, Austin, and Jack Ewing. "The Tailor, the Florist, the Violin Maker: Improvising to Survive." The New York Times, 10 May 2021,

Three or more authors

Bhattacharya, Jhumpa, et al. “Open Forum: Having Kids is Becoming a White Privilege in California.” San Francisco Chronicle, 10 May 2021, Op-ed.

In-Text Citation

(Last Name)




(Hauck and Hecht)

(Bhattacharya et al.)

Newspaper articles in print
Works Cited List Citation

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper [City of Publication if not stated in newspaper title], Day Month Year of Publication, pp. Page Numbers.

Note: If you are citing an opinion or editorial piece, add the following at the end of your citation: Op-ed.

Note: If the article pages are not in consecutive order, list the first page number of the article followed by a plus (+) sign.


Kay, Barbara. “'Problematic' Prose; in the Progressive Era, Even Literary Critics Aren't Safe.” National Post [Toronto], 27 Mar. 2021, p. A18.

In-Text Citation

(Last Name Page Number if multi-page article)

Note: If the article is only a single page, exclude the page number in the in-text citation.



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