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Using the CBC Library: Policies and Guidelines

College Policies

Library Guidelines

The CBC Library provides ILL service for CBC course-related purposes only.  If the library has other resources on your topic, a librarian may contact you to discuss your request.

Borrowers are responsible for all library materials checked out from other libraries and may be required to pay any fees for late, damaged or lost items.

Fees are determined by the lending library.

The CBC Library’s Recreational Reading (REC) Collection is maintained for Columbia Basin College (CBC) students, faculty, and staff as a supplementary resource to the library’s main research collections; it is intended to encourage reading for leisure and lifelong learning among CBC's student population. 

New titles for the REC Collection will be purchased at the discretion of the Library as funding allows and will be selected in a variety of genres and topics to meet the needs of the CBC campus population. Examples of collection genres include science-fiction/fantasy, memoir, romance, graphic novels, biography, and mystery.  

Works selected for the Recreational Reading Collection should be published within the last 5 years and meet either of the following selection criteria:  

  • New works of a consistently popular author 

  • Defined as an author whose work is not necessarily scholarly, but is enjoyed by the reading public 

  • Popular titles that have been well-reviewed by multiple reviewers 

  • Additional titles will be purchased at the discretion of the CBC Library  

Additional criteria that do not guarantee purchase but that may supplement the above criteria include: 

  • Works that provide a variety of social and cultural perspectives  

  • New titles by local authors  

  • Award-winning titles  

Patron requests will be added to the popular reading collection as dictated by the above criteria. The following requests will be referred to local public libraries: 

  • Entire series will not be collected and books will be evaluated for deselection individually once they fall outside of the above selection criteria. 

  • Manga and individual comic book requests 

  • Requests from patrons who are not CBC-affiliated.  

  • Multiple requests by the same patron will be addressed under the constraints of budget and collection size. 

The titles in this small, high-turnover collection are reviewed, updated, and deselected annually. Upon removal from the REC Collection, titles will be considered for addition to the library’s main collection if they complement current CBC curriculum, are written by authors of historically-marginalized groups, and/or are from authors who are frequently given positive reviews or awards from academic and literary venues. 

Borrowing Rules

  • Devices are only available to currently enrolled CBC students--students must have an updated Technology Loan Agreement on file, to be completed each quarter. Enrollment is verified at the time the Loan Agreement is signed each quarter.
  • Laptops check out for one month at a time.

Using the laptop

  • You should never store files on the computer as they will be lost on shut down or reboot. We loan flash drives!
  • You should always check the condition of the laptop before leaving with it and bring any issues to the attention of Library staff. Any damage noted upon return may be charged to your account.

Damage and Replacement Fees

  • After 14 days of non-return, devices are considered lost and the borrower is responsible for paying the full replacement cost (up to $1,200 for laptops, plus a processing fee)
    • If a borrower does not return a device, it will be treated as theft and reported to Campus Security. Replacement fees may result in a block on the student's college account and may render a student unable to register for further classes.
  • Damages will be assessed on an individual basis and charged in the same manner as an unreturned device.
  • Laptops are loaned with additional components. Failure to return these items will result in a replacement charge assessed at current cost to replace:
    • Laptops:
      • Charger
      • Carrying case & strap 
      • External mouse

CBC Library study rooms, recording rooms, and classrooms are only available for current students, faculty, and staff. Community members seeking a space to reserve on campus should contact campus facilities using the online request form found here: 

Contact Us

509-542-4887 2600 N 20th Ave, Pasco, WA. 99301