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Anti-Racist Resources: History & Social Sciences


Journals, Searches & Articles

The American Political Science Review - search race, racial, african americans, hispanic americans, subject using advanced search. Sample articles:


Roberts, S. O., & Rizzo, M. T. (2021). The psychology of American racism. American Psychologist, 76(3), 475–487. ...we amass a large body of classic and contemporary research across multiple areas of psychology (e.g., cognitive, developmental, social), as well as the broader social sciences (e.g., sociology, communication studies, public policy), and humanities (e.g., critical race studies, history, philosophy), to outline seven factors that contribute to American racism: (a) Categories... (b) Factions...(c) Segregation...(d) Hierarchy... (e) Power...(f) Media... and (g) Passivism...

Spanierman, L. B., Clark, D. A., & Kim, Y. (2021). Reviewing racial microaggressions research: Documenting targets’ experiences, harmful sequelae, and resistance strategies. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(5), 1037-1059.


The idea that race is a social construct comes from the pioneering work of anthropologist Franz Boas. 19 Nov. 2020.

THROUGHLINE. Reframing History: Mass Incarceration September 3, 2020

THROUGHLINE A Race To Know April 2, 2020. For nearly as long as there has been a United States there has been a census...and in every single census there has been at least one question about race. 


...How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Jan 27, 2020. UC Berkeley Matrix Lecture

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